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With OEEOffice you can clarify whether the capacity of the production machines is being used properly. For example, you will gain insight into the actual production capacity that can be compared with the capacity that could in theory be achieved. With OEEOffice it is possible to measure why and how you get production numbers, and how you can make adjustments to increase effectiveness.

In order to determine the efficiency of an organization, production line and / or installation, it will be necessary to establish which maximum speeds / quantities are feasible within a certain period. The efficiency can be determined by comparing this maximum data with the realized data. The ratio of approved / rejected product plays a role in this, so that registration of the approved and rejected (and re-processed) quantities is desirable.

The following methods are possible:

  1. Completely manual: all data is entered manually.
  2. Semi-automatic: start / stop activities can be registered with the reason for the stop via touchscreen buttons.
  3. Fully automatic: data on start / stop activities can be supplied via PLCs, possibly supplemented with the reason for the stop.

Basic data

A certain amount of basic information must be entered. The various standard data must be recorded for each installation / product combination. In the event of changes to these standard data, brought about by improvements, among other things, these data must be able to be changed in a simple and massive manner. Recording the NPC (name plate capacity) data per line and comparing the realized data against these NPC data also provides insight into efficiency.


The process is as follows. During production, for a certain period of time, it is continuously measured when production is being done and when it is not, why production is not taking place and how much approved and rejected product is being produced. By multiplying this data, an OEE% can be calculated. The employees can further specify at any time why and when disruptions in the production process took place. Disturbances can also be specified at a later time. This creates a meticulous log in which all activities of a measurement are listed.


By reporting and analyzing the current situation and historical data, improvements can be made in a timely manner.

Reporting options in OEEOffice

In addition, certain information can be made visible in a central area, for example the canteen, so that the insight and motivation of the employees is increased.


The malfunctions notifications in OEEOffice can be automatically transferred to TDOffice. This prevents double entry of data.

OEEOffice is available in Dutch, German and English. Other languages are possible on request.

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