Since the start in 1993, we distinguish ourselves with software that is easy to implement. Hundreds of companies at home and abroad now rely on ControlOffice for their technical services. We are a modern and dynamic company, and work on location or via Teams, for example. This keeps the lines short and decisions are made quickly.
Before 2023 we were known as TDOffice or TDO. Because many companies no longer use our software only for the TD, we have decided to change our naming convention.
The daily work within a technical service can be hectic enough, so registering work orders, reports, hours and costs must be efficient and simple. Only then can a TD work efficiently and pleasantly with ControlOffice. After all, you want to tinker and spend as little time as possible in front of a PC. It is our priority to comply. We provide a user-friendly maintenance management program that fits seamlessly with the wishes and needs of a modern technical service.
Through our cooperation with various affiliated companies, we have an enormous wealth of knowledge and experience available. This guarantees the benefits of extensive knowledge and flexible decisiveness.

Our philosophy
We noticed that due to the increased complexity of software packages, their functionality became increasingly remote from the user. We have therefore opted for an approach in which our customers decide for themselves which functionalities they use and which they do not. With functionalities that can be deployed or expanded, it is possible to set the program to the desired use per user. You therefore benefit from the financial benefits of a standard solution while still allowing customization.
The development of our software is aimed at ensuring that it matches your user experience. Unlike other software applications, we provide tools that allow you to set the software for your desired use. This avoids various challenges, such as training new staff and large amounts of consulting hours. The entire process therefore remains manageable in terms of time and money.
Our unique points
No user surcharge within the range
Unlimited login with as many (simultaneous) users as you want for one price. As a result, the cost picture remains clear in the future.
A short implementation project
It only takes a few hours to get ControlOffice up and running.
Intuïtive and easy to use software
Its intuitiveness allows new users to master ControlOffice quickly with minimal support.
Missing functionality added free of charge
Missing functionality that belongs as standard in our software is developed free of charge and added to the standard license, so that all customers can use these functionalities. This makes the software very suitable for our practical users. In addition, a customer does not run the risk of being deprived of important functionality and expensive customization is not necessary.
Sharing experiences, knowledge and skills of other users
All knowledge and expertise of our users is made available free of charge, so that the wheel does not have to be reinvented.
Sharing experiences, knowledge and skills of other users
Simple import and export via Excel
Basic data (objects, parts, suppliers, etc.) can be easily imported and exported via Excel.
Alle standaard koppelingen worden gratis gerealiseerd
Wij stellen kosteloos tools beschikbaar waarmee u gemakkelijk data kunt uitwisselen met andere programmatuur.
100% webbased
Worldwide easy to use and control on computer, laptop, tablet and telephone.
Free conversion
A free conversion from files of the previous software.
Purchase options
For ControlOffice we offer the following two possible purchase options. With each option, you get all the functions that ControlOffice has to offer. In no way do we work with modules or functions that you do not get.
ControlOffice is the cheapest program per user with full availability of all functionality.
Option 1
Purchase ControlOffice with hosting
You buy a ControlOffice license, a one-time fee. You also have an annual maintenance contract. We take care of the hosting of ControlOffice for you. This has several advantages, we can always help you right away, no IT intervention is required. You are online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can reach ControlOffice from anywhere in the world, not just from your internal network.
Option 2
ControlOffice as SaaS solution
You do not buy ControlOffice, but enter into a SaaS (Software as a Service) contract. This means that you rent ControlOffice from us and pay a monthly all-in price. This price includes maintenance contract and hosting costs. You are online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can reach ControlOffice from anywhere in the world, not just from your internal network.
You can create employees in ControlOffice to your heart’s content without your monthly amount going up, which is nice, and this also ensures that there are no unforeseen costs when you expand your TD.
Any other options are possible in consultation.
With a clear and effective implementation plan, we ensure smooth commissioning of ControlOffice. Whether you want to extract data from another software package, or you already have your data in Excel or Access, or perhaps still in your head. We ensure that this information is presented in ControlOffice in a simple and clear manner.
You collect all the necessary data, such as machine information and supplier data. After all, you yourself have the most knowledge about your company. You can use this information in our Excel templates. We then ensure that this data is properly and structured in ControlOffice.
Because ControlOffice is intuitive and easy to use, the required support hours are limited. Experience shows that most implementation projects require less than 10 hours of support. We do all this at your location or via Teams, for example. This way we keep the implementation and training easy and the costs remain manageable.
During the first months you will have access to a production environment and a free practice environment on our server. You can practice with this extensively and we can guide you well during the implementation.
We phase the implementation according to your functionality needs. You determine the speed and method in which we set up the implementation. We can easily import any data from other software to ControlOffice.
You will only get a complete picture of the enormous amount of possibilities that are housed in ControlOffice during a demonstration. With a demonstration you can recognize your own problems in the solutions that ControlOffice offers. The demonstration can take place at your location or via Teams, for example. Contact us to schedule an appointment.